Wednesday, December 23, 2009

HHO Dry Cell on Diesel Works Great

HHO Gas on Diesel

Thought I would let all those guys thinking about installing HHO Dry cell kits on your diesel vehicles know -

HHO Gas on Diesels Works Great

The reports we are getting back from people that are adding our HHO dry cell kits to there diesel cars seems to have more to do with huge power gain than fuel consumption.

Although those installing our hho dry cell design on their diesel cars and trucks are reporting 3-5 mile per gallon fuel savings, it seems they are more impressed with the increase in power their vehicles are experiencing.

Learn more about why hho gas works at hho Tech Stuff

Explore more about hho generator & hho gas

HHO Gas From HHO Dry Cell _ Water Car ?

BMW and Honda Have A WATER CAR!

from Ozzie freedom

People come up to me and say: “Didn't you hear - BMW has their own water car!” or “Honda is releasing a water car!”, and so forth. They’re correct... The headlines are full of such exciting news. But what are the EXACT FACTS behind these rumors?

Doing an online research I've discovered that BMW has indeed been working on a water car for over 30(!) years – and have come up with some super-complicated technology that will take another 20 or 30 years to make common and affordable. They have about 10 super-expensive cars on the road, and ONE fueling station near Munich Airport...


I love Honda, but… Watching the news the other day I found out that Honda has released ONE million-dollar car to ONE lucky tester. The reporter mentioned that the infrastructure needed for this car does not exist yet.

Allow me one more time: Duh!!

How affordable and practical is that??? Wake up dudes! How about a $300 technology TODAY, right this minute?! Why do you wise guys have to complicate everything? In simplicity there is so much more power - and more business too.

Ozzie at Water4Gas, and are not behind. We’re at least 7-8 years ahead of the game! And if you’re like me and can’t afford a new car yet, then our simple but powerful add-on products put you 10-15 years ahead of the game!

Explore more about hho generator & hho gas | HHO and EFIE | hho dry cell design

Real Free HHO Dry Cell Plans and Other Free HHO stuff

Sunday, December 20, 2009

HHO Dry Cell - How much KOH do I use in my Dry Cell?

We have always told people when starting up their HHO Dry Cells or other HHO generators to start with apx. 2-3 tbsp. of KOH
per 2 Quart container and add as needed to bring up amps.
This is a weak solution for start up only.

At we get asked a lot How do I "get the right mix" ??

So Here It Is:

10% to 20% KOH concentration (by weight) is so far reported and understood to be the optimum.
We run about a 20% solution in our 11 plate HHO dry cells at 15 amps warm and get 1- 1.5 LPM of HHO gas.

Water having a density of 1 gm/ml (gm and ml are equal)

KOH weighs 11 grams per heaping teaspoon. = ( 33 gms per Tbsp)

1 quart (qt) water = 946.35 grams

To make 1 Kg of a 20% KOH solution by weight, add 200 grams of KOH to 800 gm of water. To make 1 Kg of a 10% KOH solution by weight, add 100 grams of KOH to 900 gm of water.

The total weight is always 1,000 grams containing whatever percentage of KOH that is wanted.

So without turning this into a science. -- 10% mix is APX. 3 tbsp. of KOH to 1 Quart of water.

I hope this helps answer the question of how much KOH to mix for your HHO Dry Cell.

Thanks for stopping by.

Explore more about hho generator & hho gas | HHO and EFIE | hho dry cell design

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Why Lie About Your Hydrogen on Demand Experiance

Do these guys really know anything about HHO, HHO Dry Cells and Hydrogen on Demand systems, or are they just faking it ?

It is really a shame when greed and envy drive a person to lye and steal. You can find this all over the Internet.
You don't have to be the best at something or even know anything about a subject as long as you can weasel your way to the top of the search pages you can fake it.

This goes for anything including Hydrogen on Demand and related HHO parts, such as the very popular HHO Dry cell.

It seems there are other hho dry cell sites out there that would like you to believe that they are the most honest and forthright hydrogen on demand experts on the Internet.
Well up until I saw this FAKE post using my hho website name, I would have let this guy stew in his own lies.

But now I find the need to let you people that are searching for HHO Dry Cells and HHO information, know a little about this Fake "hho dry cell Guy".

Here is Post That this "hho dry cell salesman" put on his site that is obviously written by him and is not a real comment from anyone. I know this because I would have been the one talking to this person and the conversation did not take place.

"Thought you would like to know that I spoke with another hho site owner at
and he is really running you down man. It was very clear to me that he was trying to cover
his butt for telling buyers he was the producer of the cell he sells on his site.
I thought you would like an article I found where this guy is now ...
The link is

It really is a shame that this hho dry cell salesman finds the need to try to build credibility as an hho expert by writing comments to his self. But when he uses my name in the process the gloves come off.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Finding HHO Information - HHO Dry Cell

Trying to find accurate information on Hydrogen on Demand can be overwhelming if you are new to this awesome technology.
You may have heard about hydrogen on demand systems and Hydrogen fuel cell cars. And you may have even been able to sift through all the B.S. out there to come to a clear understanding as to what is the difference between hydroxy producing fuel cells and electrochemical fuel cells.

I think the main problem when researching Hydrogen on demand parts or HHO generators or HHO dry cells is you will find so much misinformation on the subject. This arry of "hho information" is created by many individuals that don't know any more about Hydrogen on demand than my 2 year old grandson and they are out and about "tickling your ears" to try and make a quick buck selling the latest HHO Dry Cell or Hydrogen on demand gadget.

If you are looking for a Hydrogen on Demand site with truthful information and hho dry cell kits at the lowest prices out there go to or click the links.

Your HHO Dry Cell - Keep It Cool

Increasing Efficiency Of Your HHO Dry Cell

By adding an acid base, or salt to the hho cell's water supply you will drop the electrical resistance of the water.
With a catalyst in the water,it takes fewer amps of electricity to produce the desired amount of HHO gas, since the ions in the water are able
to move more freely.
Potassium hydroxide (KOH) is a popular catalyst for HHO-producing cells.
It is important to make sure the catalyst you're using isn't highly concentrated, for two reasons.
1) Too much catalyst will draw too many amps and cause over heating.
2) Too much catalyst causes some of the mix to boil into your hho gas mix and could damage your inter cooler.

Keep in mind, a properly designed HHO Dry Cell will not need large doses of electrolyte.
Varying amounts are added to the mixture in order to tune the on board-hydrogen on demand system. We recommend a 20 to 1 mix max.
Heat, and electromagnetic fields are also employed to help break down the water, although this technology is usually used by advanced hho experimenters.

Learn all about HHO Dry Cell

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Hho Dry Cell Shopping - New Dual Hho dry cell kit

Just wanted to let every one know hho2u is now offering an awesome deal on a dual cell hho dry cell kit.
This bad boy cranks out the hho gas and will install on anything with a V-8 or smaller.
Check out this bad a-- Dual hho drycell at hho2u

Ps check out our new Automotive website -

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Hho Dry Cell Shopping

Some advice to anyone looking to install a hydrogen on demand system on your car is :

Before deciding on a supplier to buy your hho parts from, make sure that they know what they are talking about when it comes to hho generators and hydrogen on demand systems.
Check out their reputation for customer service and warranties on there hho dry cells or other parts.
Unfortunately a lot of our customers come to us after having purchased junk hho dry cells or other hydrogen on demand parts from not so reputable hho websites.
Please watch out for these HHO spammers.

Thanks for stopping by our Hydrogen on demand blog

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

HHO Dry Cell Kit

Everyone is familiar with our hho dry cell but have you seen our complete HHO Dry Cell Kit.
Check out the best hho dry cell kit on the Internet.
Thank You to all our readers and customers for your support of our Hydrogen on demand site.
Larry -

Monday, August 17, 2009

Don't Trust Just Any HHO Dry Cell Kit

Thought I would take a moment to thank all our awesome hho followers for supporting, and to let you know that there are a bunch of "wantabees" copying our Original HHO Dry Cells and Complete hho dry cell kits.
It isn't a big deal on the surface, but it does anger me a bit that hho2u has been copied once again. There is a couple of "scrapper" sites that have been following around and replicating most everything we have done for the past year or so, even copying our pictures.
You might see the same photo of these hho dry cells elsewhere and maybe a bit lower price than - Good Luck Getting Customer Support.
As most of you know hydrogen on demand technology is open source, and should be to further our studies without hindrance. Unfortunately this does allow almost anyone to copy your hho generators or complete hydrogen on demand systems and label them as their own.
OK that's my small rant for today.
Again Thanks to all you who support hydrogen on demand for your auto or truck - The Original Hho dry cell kits

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Don' Be Silly - Hydrogen o Demand Works

HHO Dry Cell And Hydrogen on Demand

Just to let all those that are interested in advancing your knowledge base on hho generators
and hydrogen on demand systems We have decided to spend more time helping those that want further information on hho dry cells and other
hho parts and systems, and less time trying to help those naysayers understand how it does indeed work
most of these guys sound like a broken records.

You Alternator is constantly spinning so the brushes are generating a small field. The A/C that is produced
is a constant in the system regardless.
There is never a time that the alternator is not in use wither being your spark-plugs, fans, radio, lights, pumps...etc
energy is being used so the alternator is compensating.
Like I have said before the A/C is constantly being generated into an isolating D/C current from the magnetic field.
If your regulator turns it off for quite possible a second or two the field is still activated because of motion
and the copper brushing. Try not to fool yourself that you know how it works. Anyway back to the subject of HHO.
It does work...I have seen it work on many gas and diesel cars and trucks and it works on my cars.

If you are serious about Hydrogen on demand visit our hho website. If you still are one of those that claim
Hydrogen on Demand doesn't work you can find lots of proof that it does at and all over the Internet

Thursday, July 2, 2009

HHO Dry Cell From is Successful

Thank You To Our Hydrogen on Demand Readers

Just a short post to let all our enthusiastic HHO generator builders know how much we appreciate you, And love helping you with your hydrogen on demand projects. Keep coming back !
A very special thanks to everyone that helped in the launch of our HHO Dry Cell. It was very successful and we are getting great feed back on the production of hho gas people are getting from these units.

Thank You -- Larry Hydrogen on Demand for your truck and Auto

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Now a Great Deal on HHO DRY CELLS

We have finally finished testing our awesome HHO Dry Cell and are ready to release these babies to the public.

three hho dry cells 9, 11, and 21 stainless steel plate configuration This is the Best HHO Dry Cell you can buy for the price.

If you are one of our prior customers you know we don't sell junk HHO or Hydrogen on Demand parts.

This hho drycell has gone through some serious testing and generates great hho gas levels without over heating or drawing too many amps.

Unfortunate you will see "look-a-likes" all over that are not the same hho generators, have not been through testing and those "hho sites" simply can not answer any questions you may have and will give you no support later on.

Click Here For The Best Deals Ever on HHO Dry Cells

Complete Hydrogen on Demand Systems Using Our Awesome HHO Dry Cells - or DIY HHO dry cell kits- Click Here

Click HERE for FREE HHO Generator Plans

Saturday, April 18, 2009


Another try by Popular Mechanics to discredit Hydrogen on Demand for your auto or truck

I would suggest that you revise your scientific data concerning Hydrogen on Demand systems in your recent article. HOD is a valid technology, and many patents were issued over the last 20+ years.

Puharich; Henry K. - Method and apparatus for splitting water molecules Patent #4394230 - 1983

Hasebe; Shigeta w/ others - Apparatus for simultaneous generation of oxygen and hydrogen gases Patent # 4747925 - 1988

Meyer; Stanley A. - Method for the production of a fuel gas Patent #4936961 - 1990

Chambers; Stephen Barrie - Method for producing orthohydrogen and/or parahydrogen Patent #6419815 - 2002

And this is just to name a few!

See other HOD patents: Here
Here is a short sample letter to these Bozos for those of you that know Hydrogen on demand does work and want to let them know:

I understand that you are defending the interest of oil companies, but I think you should review your position, because these big boys are not in control anymore.

I'm pretty sure that you know quite well what you are doing, that is, to participate in the cover-up of the oil replacement technologies.

But, remember, there's a new sheriff in town, and he has very special friends to protect him. His name is Obama. He's gonna put and end to this insane energy suppression game, that have cost the life of how many inventors, scientists, not to mention all the Americans and foreign soldiers who died in wars for oil.

This suppression game is over. Contact these guys -- Let us know how you did

> Contact info: http://www.popular mechanics. com/marketing/ contact/

Install your own Hydrogen on Demand System with Our HHO Dry Cell Kits

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Hydrogen On Demand Retrofit

Hydrogen on Demand
No Need To Wait For Future Water Cars

HHO gas systems ( Oxyhydrogen ) or Supplemental hydrogen systems are rapidly spreading around the world thanks to the "internet age"
HHO gas based car modification can increase mileage between 30% - 50% and at the same time drastically reduce car emissions. Such system's rely on HHO gas to assist combustion. These Hydrogen on Demand systems are becoming very popular and are changing the way we look at fuel consumption, economy of cars, and environmentally friendly car modification.

Rising gasoline and desil fuel prices are a major issue for consumers worldwide as most people rely on their cars and trucks in one way or another to make a living. It has been estimated the average US driver could save in excess of $1000 dollars a year in gasoline cost by using simple HHO based technology.
The use of a supplemental hydrogen on demand system in your vehicle can greatly reduce harmful pollutants and emissions that damage our environment increase the fuel economy, increase horsepower and increase the life of your engine.

How It Works :
Hydrogen on demand or HHO based gas systems work fairly simple. The technology does not interfere or damage your car's engine or computer system. Basically you place a quart size container filled with distilled water and a small amount of baking soda or other electrolytes under the hood of your car. The system is powered by 12 Volts from the vehicles battery and charging system, creates hydrogen gas (HHO) through electrolysis. This gas is then pushed into the engines manifold or carburettor.
This is just the basics, for in depth information on these systems

WHY it works :
A supplemental hydrogen system is just that, supplemental to the use of gasoline in your vehicle. Use of a system is not an attempt to run your vehicle on hydroxy gas exclusively. Instead, it is a way to more efficiently burn the gasoline that you are already using. How? By more fully atomizing the gasoline molecules and burning them as a vapor instead of the larger droplets they would normally be.


There really is no reason to wait for the future "water car" which is a long way off being released to the public. Sure you can buy a hybrid car if you have the money. Why wait any longer when you can start saving money today, increase your car's mileage and help save our environment with the one basic system.

Want to learn more about the revolutionary water4gas system and how you can increase your mileage and save up to thousands of dollars a year? Please Visit: HHO2U- hho dry cell kit

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Support For hho Generator Builders


If you’ve purchased an HHO eBook through this site or another site, chances are that you will need a little support in order to optimize your hydrogen on demand system for your particular vehicle. While some people like to go it totally alone, others find comfort and inspiration in community.

That’s why I thought I would present here the top 5 support forums for those either wanting to build or having built HHO generators.

1. OUPower is one of the most technical groups regarding HHO generators. Many have started with an HHO eBook and proceeded to built a better Hydrogen on Demand system and talk about it here.
2. Fuel Saver offers a section of its forum for Brown’s Gas Systems where users share their triumphs and failures regarding building and optimizing their HHO gas generators. Fuel Savers is no doubt the leader in the Hydrogen on demand industry for EFIE devices and has done a lot to help those that are experimenting with hho gas and fuel saving devices.

3. Yahoo Water Car Group is one of the oldest if not the oldest group, which started as a place to talk about Daniel Dingel’s work. This group, however has evolved into a DIY hydrogen on demand group where people share what has worked for them in regard to HHO technology and what has not.
4. HHO Info is a relatively new group but is already very active and is dedicated to those who build HHO generators. This site has the look and feel of one of the Web’s main HHO destinations in the very near future.
5. Water Fueling is a relatively new message board that looks to be less technically oriented than the other forums. One section that some will find particularly useful, however is the Find a Local Installer category for those who want to pay a qualified mechanic to do the dirty work of installing a Hydrogen on demand system.

When one is reading an HHO eBook and then decides to build their first prototype, its good to know that support is just a mouse click away. These are the most helpful HHO communities that I have been able to find online and they have help many garage inventors get over the hump and improve their hydrogen on demand systems immensely.

P.S -- If you have been wondering what happened to the HHOMegaPack - Here it is - Brian Lucas the developer of this awesome one of a kind Super Pack of HHO material has allowed me to be one of the first to offer to you this awesome deal of - 12 different HHO generator Plans, 18 step by step Instruction Videos and 9 Bonus Alternative Energy books when it comes online again.
You will find a Link on this site and the following sites - , -- -- - As soon as Brian makes his hhomegapack available again, which will be any day now. You get instant access to download more ebooks and information than ANY other Water Fuel conversion system.
This is the ONLY HHO plan offering MULTIPLE plans and designs for HHO Generators and HHO Enhancers.
Make sure to Bookmark us and check back.

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Thank You Larry -- Hydrogen on Demand

Thursday, March 5, 2009



We finally did a HHO plan reveiw for you guys in our last post, and guess what the HHOMEGAPACK links went dead.
After a lot of research we located Brian the owner of hho mega pack and he assured me that the Hydrogen on demand mega pack of HHO plans will be back up. I can't give you any specifics but it looks like about a week and you will be able to get this awesome pack of hho generator plans and Hydrogen on Demand systems. We will be one of the first to get the links to this HHO mega Pack when it goes live so please come back and check.
If you want Many FREE HHO generator plans and a lot of FREE Hydrogen on Demand stuff go to our site HHO2U
and visit our FREE HHO STUFF pages.



We finally did a HHO plan reveiw for you guys in our last post, and guess what the HHOMEGAPACK links went dead.
After a lot of research we located Brian the owner of hho mega pack and he assured me that the Hydrogen on demand mega pack of HHO plans will be back up. I can't give you any specifics but it looks like about a week and you will be able to get this awesome pack of hho generator plans and Hydrogen on Demand systems. We will be one of the first to get the links to this HHO mega Pack when it goes live so please come back and check.
If you want Many FREE HHO generator plans and a lot of FREE Hydrogen on Demand stuff go to our site HHO2U
and visit our FREE HHO STUFF pages.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009



If You have been following our Hydrogen on Demand blogs or our HHO generator building blogs. You know that we are not in the habit of doing a lot of HHO generator "Plan Reviews".
This is because the Internet is jam packed with these HHO generator Plan reviews all telling almost the same thing.

Our main goal when we started promoting Hydrogen on Demand systems, when gasoline was climbing toward $4.00 a gallon, was to help people find some way to cut the cost of their fuel bills. We had done some Experimenting with making HHO gas when we stumbled over Ozzie and Water4gas. After building and applying the Water4gas hydrogen on demand systems to some of our own cars and seeing about 20% increase in our MPG we got deep into studying this awesome technology and wanted to help others save their hard earned money too. Well since then there has been a great boom in the Hydrogen on Demand movement and an endless array of gas saving devices and HHo generators developed. Water4gas is still the best plan for the beginner experimenter because of the loads of learning material and customer support they offer.
Since our main goal of helping people learn about this Hydrogen on Demand technology has not changed because we believe that the gas price will not stay down for long, we have bought and reviewed this new Mega Pack of HHO Plans.
This is no doubt the best deal on HHO generator plans out there. The HHO MegaPack includes 12 of the best HHO Generator designs and plans for HHO Enhancers, including 18 video instructions and 9 bonus guides for one low price.
This Mega Pack is the ultimate, with HHO plans for beginner and advanced, and great customer support. The price is lower than any of the single water fuel plans out there but you get so much more.
OK for those of you that have been asking for us to do some reviews There it is, No fancy star rating pictures, no big Hype up.
Just Don't Pass This One Up


The HHO MegaPack includes 12 of the best HHO Generator designs and plans for HHO Enhancers, including 18 video instructions and 9 bonus guides for one low price.

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Thank You for Stopping by : Visit our site at HHO2U.COM for hydrogen on demand parts to build your HHO generators.

Saturday, February 14, 2009



HHO fuel cells use water to boost horsepower and miles per gallon. There are tons of HHO plans available, but which ones are the best?

Some of these plans are just rehashed information and lack any kind of customer support, not to mention they leave out important details of how to put together a complete Hydrogen on Demand system. A hydrogen on Demand system is a lot more than just installing a HHO generator and expecting to get great gains in your miles per gallon of fuel consumption. A PCV Enhancer kit can boost MPG by its self or add to the gains achieved with your HHO generator. A Fuel Heater can gain you even more MPG and is a great addition to your "Hydrogen on Demand system". A hydrogen on demand system is basically the HHO generator AND components to go along with the HHO generator to best implement the use of the HHO gas.
The best designs pull the least amount of power are inexpensive to make and give you the most miles per gallon. There are a lot more complicated Hydrogen on Demand systems, we will go deeper in to this subject later, but for now do some research on complete hydrogen on demand systems.
So how do you find them? Go to our site for more info and if you wish pick up a lot of FREE HHO Stuff.
For the most complete Hydrogen on Demand Plans on the Internet check this out:

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Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Hydrogen on Demand Defined

Define A Hydrogen Fuel Cell
Hydrogen on Demand for Your Auto Or Truck
Free HHO generator Plans

Trying to find accurate information on Hydrogen on Demand can be overwhelming if you are new to this awesome technology.
You may have heard about hydrogen on demand systems and Hydrogen fuel cell cars. And you may have even been able to sift through all the B.S. out there to come to a clear understanding as to what is the difference between hydroxy producing fuel cells and electrochemical fuel cells.
I think the main problem when researching Hydrogen on demand parts or HHO generators is you will find so much misinformation on the subject created by many individuals that don't know any more about Hydrogen on demand than my 2 year old grandson and they are out and about "tickling your ears" to try and make a quick buck.
I have been so deeply rooted in the study and development of Hydrogen on demand systems that some times I forget that most people still have never heard of the possibilities of "burning water for fuel". Even when I go to buy my stainless steel for my Hydrogen on Demand parts most of the suppliers don't have a clue as to what a HHO generator is. So it stands to reason that if these guys who are selling the hydrogen on demand parts don't have a clue, chances are 98% of the public doesn't either.

Most people have heard that car manufacturers are designing and experimenting with cars that use "hydrogen fuel cells." The fuel cells that they are using are an electrochemical conversion device. It produces electricity from fuel (on the anode side) and an oxidant (on the cathode side), which react in the presence of an electrolyte.
The car manufacturers are stuck on two ways to use Hydrogen.
#1 - in a fuel cell to charge batteries.
#2 - in a high pressure tank to burn as fuel.

The auto makers have done every thing they can for years to cover up the fact that TODAY, Right Now, we could be burning the fuel that is created by simple electrolysis of water (h2o). Applying small amounts of electrical current to water splits the molecules of the water into what some call their sub diatomical molecular state. In other words back to a gaseous state. This gas is called HHO gas (2 parts Hydrogen and 1 part Oxygen) and is highly explosive.

By adding HHO gas to your fuel with a Hydrogen on Demand system you can drastically reduce the amount of fuel you use. And as the government and auto makers have known since the 1970s you can greatly decrease the harmful pollutants emitted by your vehicle. READ MORE HERE

Spread This to the World with this BOOKMARK!--
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Monday, February 9, 2009

Hydrogen on Demand System at

Can Water Really Be Used To Run A Car?

This technology was originally discovered by Nicola Tesla who found out that hydrogen can be extracted from water to produce energy. However this discovery was never publicized due to political pressure. Some countries today rely on oil sales as their only national income source thus many countries will be heavily affected if everyone started running their cars on water.

How Can I Run A Car On Water?
It is really not that hard to build or install a well working Hydrogen on Demand system, you just need to do your research and get passed all those that will tell you it can't be done. They are wrong!!
Despite the successful modifications of cars by many people there are still many others who are skeptical of the idea. However I know that this concept does indeed work because I have successfully converted many cars to "run on water" by adding Hydrogen on Demand systems, some simple and some more complex.
Water can be easily converted into oxyhydrogen with electrolysis. The oxyhydrogen that you get in the end is able to give your car additional energy and increase its mileage.

The "Hydrogen on Demand" System
Thousands of people have already turned their cars into Hydrogen Hybrids today with hydrogen on demand systems instead of buying new hybrid cars. You can start experiencing the benefits of Hydrogen on Demand for only $100 whereas a hybrid car may costs up to $30000 and this explains why many people are using this Hydroxy gas. After you check out the benefit from a small $100 hho dry cell system you can add on to your Hydrogen on demand system until you reach whatever goal you set for your MPG gains.
On top of that it is also cleaner and better for the environment to use a Hydrogen on Demand system instead of running your car only on gasoline. HHO has proven beyond any doubt to reduce your emissions and that is a step to help lessen global warming.
We are not going to try to convince you that a starter HHO generator kit , and the parts to install a $100 hydrogen on demand system will cut your gas bills in half because that is simply not the truth. Many who are trying to get you to buy their Hydrogen on Demand systems or their DIY hho generator building guides will stretch the truth to make a sale.
We can however guarantee that if you install properly our HHO generator, Hydrogen on demand system, "HHO dry cell kit" and properly deal with your O2 sensor that you will see significant gains in your MPG and your exhaust emission will clean up greatly.

Make your own hybrid car. You have probably seen this $100.00 offer all over the Internet. Well these guys are trying to sell you just a DIY Hydrogen Generator Plan book.

We want to help you to start enjoying the benefits of Hydrogen on demand for that $100.00. So here is what we are willing to do for you. We put together a package where you get a with complete install package to convert your car or truck into a Hydrogen on demand Hybrid. You can find this hho dry cell, hydrogen on demand system HERE - hho drycell kit.

You are welcome to go to our FREE HHO STUFF and pick up a copy of many different HHO generator plans FREE.

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Wednesday, January 21, 2009


Hydroxy (HHO) They Know :

In writing this article I don't' want anyone to get the wrong idea about me. I am not a total conspiracy nut, and I am grateful to be in a country where I can express my thoughts (to a certain extent) without the "men in black" knocking on my door.
But I do think it is about time people wake up and get tired of being lied to by the ones they elect into high offices to help and protect them. Even if you don't need to save lots of money by installing a Hydroxy (HHO) Generator on your gas or diesel vehicle you should think about the proven benefits that these Hydrogen on demand type systems have on decreasing the harmful emissions that your vehicles produce. It is no accident that your car or truck is not designed to produces way less pollution than it does, because most of the Hydroxy devices that can easily be installed also cut down on fuel consumption.

Here is a patent that has citations listed in which clearly shows that big oil and car makers have known since the 1970's how to give cars better fuel economy and reduce emissions. Not trying to knock this inventor, but this is rather a crude device compared to what has been developed since the 70's and still today the car industries are not using as standard any hydrogen on demand boosters or hydroxy hybrid units. 1970 patent, think for yourself people, that's 30 years to give the government a chance to act.

This smoking gun document was Published by: Soc. Auto. Engrs.,New York SAE Meeting; 12-16 Aug 1974; SAE Preprint 740600. "On-board hydrogen generator for a partial hydrogen injection internal combustion engine" This Shows they have known how to make hydroxy boosters and have been aware of its benefits.

080109 -- Hydrogen-- Production-- Partial Oxidation Processes ;080600 -- Hydrogen-- Industrial & Commercial Use-- (-1989); ;HYDROGEN GENERATORS-- PARTIAL OXIDATION PROCESSES;INTERNAL COMBUSTION ENGINES-- HYDROGEN FUELS; AIR POLLUTION;AUTOMOBILES;GASOLINE

There are over 200 fuel reforming patents owned buy oil companies, auto makers, high tech companies and individuals. Many of the patents include the data from testing fully developed and proven systems. You judge for your self why they have not implemented any simple hydrogen on demand type device. These Hydroxy generators are simple to make and all over the Internet.
If you want FREE HHO generator plans and accurate Hydrogen on Demand Info. go HERE
P.S --- We have arranged special deals that you will not find anywhere else with Punch HHO for awesome discounts on there hho generators

Wednesday, January 14, 2009


I spoke to Tom and his wife Brianne from Punch HHO back in July after doing a little research on their Punch HHO generators. Tom didn't mind me grilling him with Questions about his Hydrogen on Demand systems and their company's success. I had become an affiliate partner and was promoting his product so I wanted to learn all there was to know about their Punch HHO hydrogen generators.

At that time Tom and Brianne had been selling their hho kits for about 4 months and had sold H U N D R E D S of them. Tom had bought the Water4Gas books about 2 months prior to our conversation in July, and six months later had more orders for his own modified hydrogen on demand kit than he could keep up with.

Tom said "We bought the water4gas books and learned all about hydrogen on demand and other fuel saving devices. We put the hho units in our cars and got excellent results of about 8 -10 mpg gain in both test vehicles and that got us really excited". So he started looking around at HHO cells and other Hydrogen on Demand systems and noticed that people were selling some of the "most ridiculous things I've ever seen".

Tom decided "I can do better than that", so he invested every thing he had setting up his shop and buying tools and parts. Before releasing the Punch hho generators Tom checked out some of the other hho products that were on the market at the time. Most of them were making claims of unheard of hho gas production he knew to be untrue as he conducted his own hho experimentation until he had a hho unit he was confident in to release to the public.

I just spoke with Tom and Brianne Yesterday after getting an email from them, as did all of their hho affiliate marketers.
Tom said "We Didn't See It Coming Larry, we have an eighteen wheeler packed full of our Punch HHO generators and hho products sitting out side and we need to move these product so I can get back my investment".

What does that mean to you ?
Well only the best one of a kind, one time, exclusive, HHO system deal on the Internet or anywhere else for that matter. We are not talking about some In-known untested hho generator you buy off ebay. We're talking about the well known and trusted Punch hho.

I am trying to keep this short so you don't get bored and leave (big mistake on your part if you do)

HERE IT IS : Tom and brianne have allowed me to make this one of a kind offer to anyone buying their Punch hho units through my link. This is exclusive to and you will not find this offer anywhere else.
On top of a Huge discount off the regular prices of the Punch 1.0 and the Punch 2.0 we were able to get you a $75.00 bubbler FREE.
If you go directly to their site ; you will see the low prices every one else pays.
Click on my banner ad here for a deal of a life time only found here




At least 90% of the people that say AUTO AND TRUCK HYDROGEN ON DEMAND SYSTEMS do not work have never installed a HHO generator or any other fuel saving device on their cars. Please don't bring up the law of conservation of energy when you are not using 100% of the variables. These "LAWS" do not apply when you are using the energy of one fuel (HHO gas) to enhance another fuel (gas or diesel). Most people don't realize just how inefficient gas powered cars are. All you are doing is using energy that is normally wasted. I have seen way too many active HHO systems with proven results in better gas mileage and less harmful pollutants at smog check for any one to try to convince me that HHO systems have no future. If your HHO generator and the rest of your hydrogen on demand system are installed and tuned properly, anyone, no matter what auto or truck your fuel saving system is installed on should experience 15 - 50 percent gains.
For all this to work though, first you will have to have the right HHO generator. Then you will need to "trick" your o2 sensor with a device called an efie. We at HHO2U have worked some exclusive deals for those who are interested in installing hydrogen on demand on their gas or diesel autos and trucks by directly contacting the best selling and most reliable dealers of HHO generators and EFIE adjusters. If you click on the links here you will go to their sites where you will see fantastic deals. PUNCH HHO
( These are the prices everyone else pays ) Make sure you bookmark us so you can find your way back to this EXCLUSIVE OFFER

Monday, January 12, 2009


Hydrogen + Oxygen = Water

Hydrogen + Hydrogen + Oxygen = HHO

OK readers let me vent for a couple of sentences. I originally wrote and published this HHO GAS article on Hub pages, 6 views in just minutes and then some cry baby that felt threatened flagged me for having links back to my website. Excuse me for wanting people to see what I have to offer on my site and not letting HUB monetize my articles all for them selves. OK here it is. This is a rather long and detailed article aimed at the self proclaimed scientific group that is trying to talk people out of using HHO generators or Hydrogen on Demand system.
I try to keep my Blog post short and to the point so you can read the rest of this article on "Water in a sub-diatomical" state HERE on the "technical stuff page", or wait for my next post.
Water is made from hydrogen and oxygen That's something that most people on the planet already know, but this simple statement doesn't give us a very clear picture of what really goes into the creation of a molecule of water. The chemical equation for the formation of water tells us more. 2H2 + O2 = 2H2O

Water if formed when two molecules of the diatomic hydrogen gas, combined with one molecule of the diatomic oxygen gas this produce two molecules of water. This process is known as Synthesis.

The ratio of hydrogen to oxygen is 2:1, the ratio of hydrogen to water is 1:1, and the ratio of oxygen to water is 1:2. This is why the promoters of HHO products will use the term HHO is water broke down into its sub-diatomical molecular state. When electrical current is applied to water (2H2 + O2 = 2H2O) the two diatomic gases are broke apart, (Decomposed) and you now have ... 2H & 0 .. separate diatomical gases. (read on)

Energy is also created when these two diatomic molecules are joined. The formation of water from it's elements produces, in addition to water, a tremendous amount of energy, 572 kJ to be exact. This is part of what scientist have been trying to tap into forever.

This is an example of an exothermic reaction, a reaction that produces energy. It is also an example of what is called a combustion reaction, where a substance (in this case hydrogen gas) is combined with oxygen. Obviously this is a non-explosive combustion. An Examples of the power of Hydrogen in it's diatomical molecular state is the tragic examples of the unleashed energy of the combustion reaction of hydrogen, the Hindenburg, and the space shuttle Challenger.
Hindenburg a few seconds after catching fire.

Hydrogen Fuel?

Yes - hydrogen is a good, clean fuel, producing only water as a by-product. ( next post I will try to help you understand why there is water vapor after the explosion of HHO gas) Unfortunately it produces so much energy that it can get out of control, resulting in an explosion. But let's forget about that explosive part for a minute and think about the possibilities -

Hydrogen as a New Clean Fuel - it could be the end of the fabricated energy crisis - but where would we get the hydrogen?

Can we create Hydrogen from Water?

Absolutely Yes! It's the same chemical reaction, but run in reverse:
2H2O + ENERGY = 2H2 + O2
Please come back to read our next post. This is just Scratching the surface. By the time we are done with this study I think a lot of people will change their minds about the possibilities of harvesting HHO GAS from water with less energy than you get back from the hho.
Thank You - LARRY .. HHO2U.COM
Please help me spread the word about hydrogen on demand. If you don't need to save money, think about how HHO GAS has proven to lower car emissions into our air.
O YEAH pick up a bunch of Free stuff HERE

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

HHO SAVES THE DAY - Gas is going up again

Over the last 3 months public interest in HHO technology has all but ceased. Well, it's no secret why. With gas prices dipping to $1.50 a gallon and an economy in shambles, turning water into gas from a HHO Generator seems not quite worth the effort at the moment. Folks are happy to fill their vehicles with precious gasoline for 30 or 40 bucks and smile about it.

Only the most optimistic person believes that gas prices are going to stay this low for long; and, when prices go up they will more than likely skyrocket way beyond the price per gallon six months ago. CNN reports that if anything were to happen with IRAN we could see 10 - 15 dollar fuel prices. With Israel in conflict things might even get shook up. The oil producing countries don't seem to need much of an excuse any more. HHO will become more in demand than ever, because it has already proven to be a viable and reasonably inexpensive way to get 10 to 50 percent better gas mileage from almost any gas or diesel powered vehicle.
People seem to get in a survival mode, and yes it is easier to "survive" right now but will you be ready when the gas and diesel fuel prices go back up past where they were 6 or 8 months. Iran is just an extreme example. Gas prices will return to all time highs regardless of what happens in the world and HHO will become popular once again.

This is the perfect opportunity for HHO experimentation. With the low gas prices it's not so hard on the wallet to build your own HHO generator or Hydrogen on demand system and still top off your gas tank to test and tune your HHO setup, and prepare for when the gas prices peak again. You will have saved enough money to pay for your HHO system and be all setup and tuned in when gas prices return to $ 5.00 dollars a gallon or more.

Now is also the time to buy complete tested and proven hho systems from the well known Hydrogen on Demand boys such as Punchhho as they are offering awesome overstock deals.
And here you can get the best deals on EFIE (electronic fuel injector enhancer)

FREE hho generator plans Here
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