Sunday, December 20, 2009

HHO Dry Cell - How much KOH do I use in my Dry Cell?

We have always told people when starting up their HHO Dry Cells or other HHO generators to start with apx. 2-3 tbsp. of KOH
per 2 Quart container and add as needed to bring up amps.
This is a weak solution for start up only.

At we get asked a lot How do I "get the right mix" ??

So Here It Is:

10% to 20% KOH concentration (by weight) is so far reported and understood to be the optimum.
We run about a 20% solution in our 11 plate HHO dry cells at 15 amps warm and get 1- 1.5 LPM of HHO gas.

Water having a density of 1 gm/ml (gm and ml are equal)

KOH weighs 11 grams per heaping teaspoon. = ( 33 gms per Tbsp)

1 quart (qt) water = 946.35 grams

To make 1 Kg of a 20% KOH solution by weight, add 200 grams of KOH to 800 gm of water. To make 1 Kg of a 10% KOH solution by weight, add 100 grams of KOH to 900 gm of water.

The total weight is always 1,000 grams containing whatever percentage of KOH that is wanted.

So without turning this into a science. -- 10% mix is APX. 3 tbsp. of KOH to 1 Quart of water.

I hope this helps answer the question of how much KOH to mix for your HHO Dry Cell.

Thanks for stopping by.

Explore more about hho generator & hho gas | HHO and EFIE | hho dry cell design

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